Admitted Students
Welcome UC Berkeley IEOR Class of 2020

Dear admitted students:
Congratulations on being accepted to the University of California, Berkeley Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research! Being admitted to Cal means that you are an exceptional person, and have clearly already put in much effort and persisted through many challenges. Hard work truly pays off, and you should feel proud to be a future Bear.
It’s truly an exciting time to join the IEOR department. We were established in 1966 on the UC Berkeley campus and have some of the most successful alumni in the world, some of which you will find on this page. Our alumni go on to exciting, fulfilling and diverse careers. Imagine working at a large theme park and optimizing the lines so that people can get to the rides more quickly, or starting your own company like alum Tony Xu, who founded DoorDash, or working in a large technology company analyzing pricing data, or helping a warehouse automate their entire shipping process using the latest algorithms and technology.
When you choose IEOR, no industry is unavailable to you. Our alums work in health, energy systems, technology, startups, consulting, finance, human resources, supply chain management and many others. In IEOR, we invent, analyze and teach tools and approaches for design, analysis, risk management, and decision-making that are applicable in almost any field.
The combination of in-depth technical courses with engineering leadership experiences is built to prepare you for your professional career. We believe our program, given its breadth and expertise, will be well-suited to your academic interests and professional goals.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the IEOR staff should you have any questions about the program. We look forward to seeing you in the fall.
Go Bears!
Max Shen
Professor & Chair
Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
University of California, Berkeley
IEOR Program Overview with Prof. Shen
In this video, Prof. Shen talks about the history of the IEOR department, areas of study and research, what IEOR students do in their careers, job prospects, and resources for students.
What is IEOR?
Supply Chain & Logistics

IEOR students are the premier experts in getting anything from one place to another in the most efficient and optimal manner.
Stochastics & Data Science

IEOR students learn the latest statistics, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to help companies make better decisions.

IEOR students can find the most elegant way to make any system more efficient, saving companies millions of dollars, time and other resources.
Cal Week Live Virtual Events

Cal Week IEOR Information Session
Join us for a live Q&A with Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, Professor Robert Leachman.
Tuesday, April 21st
Recorded Zoom Meeting
<link will be available soon>

IEOR Current Students Panel
What's it like to be an IEOR student? Hear from current IEOR students about their experience in the program, and ask questions to get an inside look from the student perspective.
Thursday, April 23rd
Live Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 991 3152 6843
Find your local number:
How to Train Your Robot
Curious about robots? This presentation with slides and video is intended
for kids and adults. It will summarize the history of robots and research
ongoing in the AUTOLab at UC Berkeley. It will also feature a new
children's book:
How To Train Your Robot by B. Goldberg, K. Goldberg, and A. Chase,
illustrated by D. Clegg (with support from NSF and UC Berkeley's Lawrence
Hall of Science). Info with Free Download:
Tuesday, April 21, 12-1PM
Prof. Ken Goldberg
How Operations Research can help with COVID-19
IEOR students are experts in supply chain management and can design algorithms that move supplies and products from point A to point B in the fastest and most efficient way possible. In this Berkeley Conversation, renowned supply-chain expert Prof. Max Shen talks about how supply chains are being disrupted by COVID-19 and how operations research can help.
Meet some of the IEOR Faculty
Alper Atamturk

"We are in an exciting era in optimization research where a series of mathematical discoveries and algorithmic innovations, coupled with the advances in computer technology, make it possible to offer solutions to problems in a variety of areas, ranging from fleet logistics to electronic financial exchanges, from power systems design to genetics with massive data sets."
Dorit Hochbaum

"I like to take two approaches to finding the 'best method' for solving a problem. One tries to devise an efficient algorithm for the problem, and the other tries to establish limits on the efficiency of the algorithm."
Anil Aswani

Associate Professor
"My research focuses on designing new statistical and optimization methods that utilize big data in order to generate empirical models of human-behavior within complex systems, which can then be used for better understanding, optimization, configuration, and design of these systems."
Candace Yano

"My research involves the design, planning and control of manufacturing and distribution systems, and the interface between these decisions and those related to marketing, quality, and other areas. I am interested in modeling these problems, devising solution procedures using quantitative techniques, and deriving managerial insights from the analysis."
SCET & Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Technology
The The Pantas and Ting Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology (SCET) is the premier institution at UC Berkeley for the study and practice of entrepreneurship and technology innovation and offers more than 20 courses through its home in the IEOR department.
The SCET Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Technology is open to any UC Berkeley student from any major. Students can earn the certificate by completing any of our three tracks: coursework, startup, or study abroad.
Learn more about SCET on its admitted students page, including two live info sessions for Cal Week.
Cal Week

The College of Engineering is hosting online events throughout Cal Week.
To find out more visit:
IEOR Alumni Profiles
Camille Stuczynski
Major: Undergraduate IEOR IEOR: What are your post-graduation plans (Grad school,…
Lillian Gilbreth

Class of 1900
Psychology and Industrial Organization
Graduating in 1900, and being the first female to speak at Cal graduation, she studied time, motion and fatigue to create ergonomic machinery for use in the household, in retail spaces and by factory workers. Joining Purdue University as the first female engineering faculty member, Lillian continued to offer services as a consultant during crucial stages of American history.
Prof. Rhonda Righter

Class of 1986
Ph.D. Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
A professor, and department chair from 2008-2011, Rhonda Righter is a renowned academic.Rhonda serves as an assistant editor for the Journal of Scheduling, and the INFORMS Service Science Journal and has also been the founding chair of the Applied Probability Society at INFORMS. At Berkeley IEOR, not only has she carved an identity as a much-adored professor among students, but has also practiced her research interests in the general area of stochastic modeling and optimization, especially as applied to service, manufacturing, telecommunications, and grid computing systems.
Prof. Dashi Singham

Class of 2010
Ph.D. Operations Research
An associate professor in operations research at the Naval Postgraduate School, Dashi focuses on developing the methodology for analyzing data from experimental or simulation results and her areas of interest include finding optimal stopping rules to determine sample sizes, time series modeling, and uncertainty quantification. While being at the Naval Postgraduate School, Dashi has worked on the areas of healthcare and military applications and plans to move into the energy industry.
Michelle Fisher

Class of 1986
BS Industrial Engineering & Operations Research
CEO and Founder of Blaze Mobile, a 10-year-old Berkeley company developing mobile commerce, health care, banking, and advertising solutions. She has successfully raised millions of dollars in private financing for Blaze and has nearly fifty patents pending. Michelle has always had an innovative spirit — she sent a company her first product sketch when she was just 10 years old — and brought her entrepreneurial mindset to large companies before launching her own successful startup.
Meet Your Advisor

Ginnie Sadil
Meet your IEOR student services advisor, Ginnie Sadil.
Email her about any questions you have at
or you can book a virtual meeting time to chat online.
Current IEOR Students
Class of 2020

"I'm very grateful for the problem-solving toolkit that IEOR has helped me build an the friends I've made in the IEOR community here at Cal!"
- Chad Wakamiya
Class of 2021

"Berkeley IEOR has taught me to see the world through a different lens by pushing me to look for ways to keep improving what's around me"
- Jessica Au
Class of 2022

"Berkeley IEOR has introduced me to a new community of students and professor that piqued my curiosity in optimization and analytics"
- Nikita Boddhu
Class of 2020

"The community within IEOR is one that rivals no other. The people here truly care about helping other and raising the bar in whatever field they pursue"
- Niraj Ganesh