Optimization and Algorithms Research

Optimization is in the center of every engineering discipline and every sector of the economy. Airlines and logistics companies run optimization algorithms to schedule their daily operations; power utilities rely on optimization to efficiently operate generators and renewable resources and distribute electricity; biotechnology firms search through massive genetic data using optimization to find new discoveries. UC Berkeley IEOR Department is at the forefront of optimization research. Our faculty and their students create new fields of optimization and push the boundaries in convex and nonconvex optimization, integer and combinatorial optimization to solve problems with massive data sets. Research activities are funded by NSF, DOE, DOD, ONR, and IBM Corporation.


Ilan Adler

Head MEng Advisor

Anil Aswani

Associate Professor
Head Undergraduate Advisor

Alper Atamturk

Department Chair

Ying Cui

Assistant Professor

Paul Grigas

Associate Professor

Dorit Hochbaum

Distinguished Professor
ORMS Advisor

Javad Lavaei

Associate Professor

Rajan Udwani

Assistant Professor

Laurent El Ghaoui

Joint Faculty, EECS

Selected Publications

Towards Global Solutions for Nonconvex Two-Stage Stochastic Programs: A Polynomial Lower Approximation Approach

Zhong, Suhan & Cui, Ying & Nie, Jiawang. (2024). Towards Global Solutions for Nonconvex Two-Stage Stochastic Programs: A Polynomial Lower Approximation Approach. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 34. 3477-3505. 10.1137/23M1615516.

Analysis of a Class of Minimization Problems Lacking Lower Semicontinuity

Han, Shaoning & Cui, Ying & Pang, Jong-Shi. (2024). Analysis of a Class of Minimization Problems Lacking Lower Semicontinuity. Mathematics of Operations Research. 10.1287/moor.2023.0295.

Scenario Grouping and Decomposition Algorithms for Chance-Constrained Programs

Yan Deng, Huiwen Jia, Shabbir Ahmed, Jon Lee, Siqian Shen, “Scenario Grouping and Decomposition Algorithms for Chance-constrained Programs”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 3(2), 757-773, 2020

Multi-armed bandit with sub-exponential rewards

Huiwen Jia, Cong Shi, Siqian Shen, “Multi-armed Bandit with Sub-exponential Reward”, Operations Research Letters, 49(5), 728-733, 202, 2021

Benders Cut Classification via Support Vector Machines for Solving Two-Stage Stochastic Programs

Huiwen Jia, Siqian Shen, “Benders Cut Classification via Support Vector Machines for Two-stage Stochastic Integer Program’’, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(3), 278-297, 2021

An Optimization-and-Simulation Framework for Redesigning University Campus Bus System with Social Distancing

Gongyu Chen, Xinyu Fei, Huiwen Jia, Xian Yu, Siqian Shen, “The University of Michigan Implements a Hub-and-Spoke Design to Accommodate Social Distancing in the Campus Bus System under COVID Restrictions”, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics, 52(6):539-552, 2023

Online Learning and Pricing for Service Systems with Reusable Resources

Jia, Huiwen & Shi, Cong & Shen, Siqian. (2022). Online Learning and Pricing for Service Systems with Reusable Resources. Operations Research. 72. 10.1287/opre.2022.2381.

A Decomposition Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Nonconvex Recourse Functions

Li, Hanyang & Cui, Ying. (2024). A Decomposition Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Nonconvex Recourse Functions. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 34. 306-335. 10.1137/22M1488533.

Auto- Train-Once: Controller Network Guided Automatic Network Pruning from Scratch

Wu, Xidong & Gao, Shangqian & Zhang, Zeyu & Li, Zhenzhen & Bao, Runxue & Zhang, Yanfu & Wang, Xiaoqian & Huang, Heng. (2024). Auto- Train-Once: Controller Network Guided Automatic Network Pruning from Scratch. 16163-16173. 10.1109/CVPR52733.2024.01530.

On the Softplus Penalty for Large-Scale Convex Optimization

Li, Meng & Grigas, Paul & Atamtürk, Alper. (2023). On the Softplus Penalty for Large-Scale Convex Optimization. Operations Research Letters. 51. 10.1016/j.orl.2023.10.015.