Major: Undergraduate IEOR

IEOR: What are your post-graduation plans (Grad school, industry, travel, etc.)?

Ebru Kasikaralar: I will be doing PhD in Management Science and Operations Management at Chicago Booth.

IEOR: What is your favorite IEOR class and why?

Ebru Kasikaralar: My favorite IEOR class was IEOR 180, senior project. I really liked being able to work on a project with a client. The most fun part was to be able to apply all that I have learned at UC Berkeley in a real-world setting and also to come up with a solution that the client can implement into their operations.

IEOR: What is your favorite Cal memory?

Ebru Kasikaralar: My favorite Cal memory is when my team got placed the first place in Charles River Associates Consulting Case Competition. Kaitlyn, my very good friend and also an IEOR alumna, and I were invited to have lunch with the executives in the company to hear the results. When they read our names as the winners, we got very surprised and spent the rest of the day taking selfies together.

IEOR: What is your advice to younger IEOR students?

Ebru Kasikaralar: I would recommend them to be aware of the opportunities that are out there and also start looking for them as early as possible. If they want to go to grad school, they should be exposed to a research environment or if they want to go into industry, they should start having work experience as early as possible. Also going to IISE events to get to know other IEOR majors can be very useful since you will get to do a lot of group projects with them in your upper div IEOR classes.