Major: Undergraduate IEOR

IEOR: What are your post-graduation plans (Grad school, industry, travel, etc.)?

Smita Balaji: Industry Consulting

IEOR: What is your favorite IEOR class and why?

Smita Balaji: IEOR 142 – Professor Grigas is a great teacher and the skills in R and machine learning I learned in this class are so applicable to future industry work. Plus, the final project was a really great way to apply our knowledge in a practical setting. IEOR: What is your favorite Cal memory?

Smita Balaji: Hiking in the fire trails and sitting out on the glade on a nice warm Berkeley day!

IEOR: What is your advice to younger IEOR students?

Smita Balaji: Get to know people in your major! One of the huge advantages of IEOR is it’s a small community within this giant public university so take advantage of it. Get to know your peers, form study groups, hang out on the weekends – they may become your best friends.