Archive for October 2019
Professor Alper Atamturk is elected to become the next chair of the INFORMS Optimization Society
Professor Alper Atamturk has been elected to become the next chair of the INFORMS Optimization Society. The Optimization Society aims to promote the development and application of optimization methods and…
Read MoreIndustry Office Hours with Beam Solutions: A conversation with three data scientists
Smart Villages: Students Pitch to Chief Minister of Meghalaya
Students taking the Smart Villages Challenge Lab have been tasked with developing digital technologies and platforms to help impoverished Indian villages to utilize their natural resources and access global markets.…
Read MoreTech Firm Leadership students win ‘paperclip challenge,’ snag photo with Chancellor Carol Christ
Students Fionce Siow, Tammy Chan, Peru Dayani, Mina Nezam-Mafi, Ryan Chiem in the Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology’s INDENG 171 – Technology Firm Leadership course proved their entrepreneurial prowess by…
Read MoreAlper Atamturk named INFORMS Fellow
Congratulations to Professor Alper Atamturk for being named a Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences at its Annual Meeting in Seattle! INFORMS Fellows are examples of…
Read MoreMatt Olfat awarded Cal Cybersecurity Fellowship
Professor Shmuel Oren was Key Speaker at First Annual Felix Höffler Memorial Lecture
Professor Shmuel Oren was the key speaker at the first Felix Höffler Memorial Lecture, hosted by EWI Energy Conference, which took place on September 25th at the University of Cologne,…
Read MoreIEOR hosts annual fall picnic
The Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research hosted its annual fall picnic on Sept. 26 to welcome new and returning students to the department at UC Berkeley. Below find…
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