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IEOR alum and former White House Deputy CTO Ryan Panchadsaram talks to students about civic service and fostering curiosity

By Keith McAleer | October 3, 2017

Students in the A. Richard Newton Lecture Series attended a fireside chat last week with Cal alumni and Kenneth Priestly Leadership Award recipient Ryan Panchadsaram. Since graduating ten years ago, Panchadsaram’s career has taken him many different places, from working at Microsoft to launching…

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The IEOR department is currently hiring for tenure-track faculty positions

By Berkeley IEOR | September 21, 2017

The Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (IEOR) at the University of California, Berkeley is now hiring for at least one tenure-track faculty position in the department. The full job description can be viewed here or below. University of California, Berkeley…

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New York Times showcases AUTOLAB research on robot grasping

By Keith McAleer | September 11, 2017

Today, the New York Times featured research being conducted at the UC Berkeley Laboratory for Automation Science and Engineering (AUTOLAB) led by IEOR Professor Ken Goldberg. AUTOLAB is breaking new ground in the area of robot grasping by helping robots teach themselves to reliably grasp irregularly-shaped…

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Announcing the new FinTech concentration for master of engineering students

By Eugene Pang | September 5, 2017

The UC Berkeley Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership has just announced a new concentration for IEOR master of engineering students focused on financial technology (FinTech). The concentration will help meet the large and growing demand for FinTech workers in banking, consulting, and…


Announcing the 2017 Grassi and Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger (MOR) Fellows

By Vishrut Rana | September 5, 2017

The Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (IEOR) has just announced the Grassi and Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger fellows for 2017. Grassi Fellow Yonatan Mintz has been named the Grassi Fellow. Yonatan is a fifth year PhD candidate in UC Berkeley IEOR working with…


Prof. Leachman to be keynote speaker at International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 47)

By Eugene Pang | August 29, 2017

IEOR Professor Robert C. Leachman will be a keynote speaker at the 47th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (“CIE 47”), held in Lisbon, Portugal, October 11-13, 2017. Rob will be delivering a lecture entitled “The Engineering of Speed.”…

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Pieter Abbeel and Michael Jordan join the Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research at the University of California, Berkeley

By Keith McAleer | August 24, 2017

The Department of Indusrial Engineering & Operations Research is delighted to announce that Professors Pieter Abbeel and Michael Jordan, two of the best-known experts in machine learning, have been appointed as joint faculty in IEOR in addition to their primary appointments…


Ken Goldberg And Pieter Abbeel Awarded $1.3M NSF National Robotics Initiative Award

By Eugene Pang | August 21, 2017

IEOR professors Ken Goldberg and Pieter Abbeel, and UC Berkeley professors Anca Dragan and Stuart Russell, have been awarded the NSF National Robotics Initiative Award for their research in scalable collaborative human-robot learning.  Their project will be funded at $1,374,893 over…

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IEOR Researchers Awarded $450k In Funding From The Army Research Office (ARO)

By Keith McAleer | July 17, 2017

IEOR professors Shmuel Oren and Javad Lavaei’s proposal entitled “Computational Methods for Large-scale Interconnected Systems with Continuous and Discrete Parameters” has been selected for funding by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Army Research Office (ARO). The project will be funded at $450,000 over three…