IEOR Alum Receives 2021 Bodossaki Distinguished Young Scientist Award

Associate Professor at Belgium’s Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Anthony Papavasiliou, Berkeley IEOR PhD ’11, has been awarded the prestigious Bodossaki Distinguished Young Scientist Award for 2021. One of six other recipients from other fields, Papavasiliou received the award in the field of Applied Science: Alternative and Renewable Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources Management, Low Carbon Emission Technologies, Energy Efficiency and Conservation. He was recognized for his contribution to the rational use of energy resources and the large-scale penetration of renewable energy sources in electricity systems.

Since 1993, the Distinguished Young Scientist Awards have been presented every two years to Greek scientists up to the age of 40, who excel in the field of science in Greece and abroad. The institution of the Distinguished Young Scientist Awards is part of Bodossaki Foundation’s public benefit objectives for the promotion of education. With these awards, the Foundation acknowledges the creative work of young Greek scientists, rewards their consistent and continuous efforts to promote science, honors their moral consistency and seeks to contribute to the creation of proper role models for Greek society. The award ceremony of Bodossaki Distinguished Young Scientist Awards is expected to take place around the end of the year.

A Berkeley graduate with an IEOR PhD, Papavasiliou was advised by Professor Shmuel Oren and worked on coupling renewable energy supply with deferrable demand in his time at Berkeley. He also spent a year of post-doctoral research at Berkeley before accepting an appointment at Belgium.

Berkeley IEOR takes pride in congratulating Anthony Papavasiliou for this tremendous achievement! The press release for the award can be found here.