Stochastic Modeling and Simulation Research


Risk and uncertainty is inherent in all real-world systems, and understanding its impact is essential in performance analysis and optimization. Researchers in the IEOR Department at UC Berkeley are developing stochastic models and simulations for applications ranging from call centers to cloud computing, as well as expanding fundamental theory in areas such as stochastic control, semi-Martingale and filtration expansions, the economics of queueing systems, and design of simulation experiments.

Anil Aswani

Associate Professor
Head Undergraduate Advisor

Xin Guo


Rhonda Righter

Head Graduate Advisor

Zeyu Zheng

Associate Professor

Selected Publications

Gradient-Based Simulation Optimization Algorithms via Multi-Resolution System Approximations

Xu, Jingxu & Zheng, Zeyu. (2023). Gradient-Based Simulation Optimization Algorithms via Multi-Resolution System Approximations. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 35. 10.1287/ijoc.2023.1279.

A Doubly Stochastic Simulator with Applications in Arrivals Modeling and Simulation

Yufeng, Zheng & Zheng, Zeyu. (2020). Doubly Stochastic Generative Arrivals Modeling.

A Class of Stochastic Games and Moving Free Boundary Problems

X. Guo, W. Tang, R. Xu, “A class of stochastic games and moving free boundary problems”. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 60 (2), 758-785

Nonzero-Sum Stochastic Games and Mean-Field Games with Impulse Controls

A General Framework for Learning Mean-Field Games

Guo, X., Hu, A., Xu, R., & Zhang, J. (2022). A General Framework for Learning Mean-Field Games. Mathematics of Operations Research.

MFGs for partially reversible investment

H. Cao, X. Guo, “MFGs for partially reversible investment”. Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 150, 995-1014.

Dynamic Routing Problems with Delayed Information

Hyytiä, E., Righter, R. (2021). Dynamic Routing Problems with Delayed Information. In: Zhao, Q., Xia, L. (eds) Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools. VALUETOOLS 2021. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 404. Springer, Cham.

Performance degradation in parallel-server systems with shared resources and lack of coordination

E. Hyytiä and R. Righter, “Performance degradation in parallel-server systems with shared resources and lack of coordination,” Performance Evaluation, to appear, 2021. (Extended version of the Valuetools paper)

The cost of collaboration

K. Gardner and R. Righter, “The Cost of collaboration,” Queueing Systems, vol. 100, pp. 7-40, 2022, .

Scheduling under redundancy

E. Anton, R. Righter, and I.M. Verloop. 2022. Scheduling under redundancy. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 50, 2 (September 2022), 30–32.