Stochastic Modeling and Simulation Research


Risk and uncertainty is inherent in all real-world systems, and understanding its impact is essential in performance analysis and optimization. Researchers in the IEOR Department at UC Berkeley are developing stochastic models and simulations for applications ranging from call centers to cloud computing, as well as expanding fundamental theory in areas such as stochastic control, semi-Martingale and filtration expansions, the economics of queueing systems, and design of simulation experiments.

Anil Aswani

Associate Professor
Head Undergraduate Advisor

Xin Guo


Rhonda Righter

Head Graduate Advisor

Zeyu Zheng

Associate Professor

Selected Publications

Scheduling under redundancy

E. Anton, R. Righter, and I.M. Verloop. 2022. Scheduling under redundancy. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. 50, 2 (September 2022), 30–32.

Routing with too much information?

E. Hyytiä, P. Jacko, and R. Righter, “Routing with too much information?” Queueing Systems, vol. 100, pp. 441-443, 2022.

A Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Approach for Affine Chance Constrained Stochastic Programs.

Cui, Ying & Liu, Junyi & Pang, Jong-Shi. (2022). Nonconvex and Nonsmooth Approaches for Affine Chance-Constrained Stochastic Programs. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. 30. 10.1007/s11228-022-00639-y.

Simulating Nonstationary Spatio-Temporal Poisson Processes using the Inversion Method

Zhang, Haoting and Zheng, Zeyu, Simulating Nonstationary Spatio-Temporal Poisson Processes using the Inversion Method (July 27, 2020). Available at SSRN: or

Estimation and Inference for Non-Stationary Arrival Models with a Linear Trend

P. W. Glynn and Z. Zheng, “Estimation and Inference for Non-Stationary Arrival Models with a Linear Trend,” 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), National Harbor, MD, USA, 2019, pp. 3764-3773, doi: 10.1109/WSC40007.2019.9004779.

Statistical Analysis of Stationary Solutions of Coupled Nonconvex Nonsmooth Empirical Risk Minimization

Qi, Zhengling & Cui, Ying & Liu, Yufeng & Pang, Jong-Shi. (2019). Statistical Analysis of Stationary Solutions of Coupled Nonconvex Nonsmooth Empirical Risk Minimization.

Accommodating New Flights into an Existing Airline Flight Schedule

Ozge Safak, Alper Atamturk and M. Selim Akturk. Accommodating New Flights into an Existing Airline Flight Schedule. Transportation Research Part C 104, 265-286, 2019.

Simulation and Real-World Evaluation of Attack Detection Schemes

M. Porter, A. Joshi, P. Hespanhol, A. Aswani, M. Johnson-Roberson, and R. Vasudevan (2019), Simulation and real-world evaluation of attack detection schemes, In Proceedings of the American Control Conference.

A scalable approach to enhancing stochastic kriging with Gradients

Haojun Huo; Xiaowei Zhang; Zeyu Zheng. “A scalable approach to enhancing stochastic kriging with Gradients”. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference.

Approximating Systems Fed by Poisson Processes with Rapidly Changing Arrival Rates

Zeyu Zheng, Harsha Honnappa, Peter W. Glynn. “Approximating Systems Fed by Poisson Processes with Rapidly Changing Arrival Rates“. Operations Research