Machine Learning and Data Science Research

Data plays a critical role in all areas of IEOR, from theoretical developments in optimization and stochastics to applications in automation, logistics, health care, energy, finance, and other areas. Much of the recent interest in data science and machine learning has been spurred by the growing ability to apply vast computational power to large scale datasets in nearly every application domain. Faculty and students in the UC Berkeley IEOR department are engaged in cutting edge and interdisciplinary research in ML/DS, including topics like developing scalable and memory-efficient learning algorithms, integrating prediction and optimization models, sparse learning models, addressing fairness concerns, reinforcement learning and control, clustering and learning with network data, as well as applications of ML/DS to various domains.


Anil Aswani

Associate Professor
Head Undergraduate Advisor

Alper Atamturk

Department Chair

Ying Cui

Assistant Professor

Ken Goldberg

Distinguished Professor

Paul Grigas

Associate Professor

Dorit Hochbaum

Distinguished Professor
ORMS Advisor

Javad Lavaei

Associate Professor

Zeyu Zheng

Assistant Professor

Laurent El Ghaoui

Joint Faculty, EECS

Michael Jordan

Joint Faculty, EECS

Selected Publications

A New Perspective on Boosting in Linear Regression via Subgradient Optimization and Relatives

Freund, Robert & Grigas, Paul & Mazumder, Rahul. (2015). A New Perspective on Boosting in Linear Regression via Subgradient Optimization and Relatives. The Annals of Statistics. 45. 10.1214/16-AOS1505.

Smart “Predict, then Optimize”

Elmachtoub, Adam & Grigas, Paul. (2017). Smart “Predict, then Optimize”. Management Science. 68. 10.1287/mnsc.2020.3922.

The Non-Markovian Nature of Nested Logit Choice

Li, Selena & Udwani, Rajan. (2022). The Non-Markovian Nature of Nested Logit Choice. SSRN Electronic Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.3420257.

Learning to Simulate Sequentially Generated Data via Neural Networks and Wasserstein Training

Zhu, Tingyu & Liu, Haoyu & Zheng, Zeyu. (2023). Learning to Simulate Sequentially Generated Data via Neural Networks and Wasserstein Training. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 10.1145/3583070.

Comparing solution paths of sparse quadratic minimization with a Stieltjes matrix

He, Ziyu & Han, Shaoning & Gomez, Andres & Cui, Ying & Pang, Jong-Shi. (2023). Comparing solution paths of sparse quadratic minimization with a Stieltjes matrix. Mathematical Programming. 10.1007/s10107-023-01966-0.

Mean-Field Controls with Q-Learning for Cooperative MARL: Convergence and Complexity Analysis

H. Gu, X. Guo, X. Wei, R. Xu, “Mean-field controls with Q-learning for cooperative MARL: convergence and complexity analysis”. SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 2021.

Logarithmic regret for episodic continuous-time linear-quadratic reinforcement learning over a finite-time horizon

M. Basei, X. Guo, A. Hu, Y. Zhang, “Logarithmic regret for episodic continuous-time linear-quadratic reinforcement learning over a finite-time horizon”. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23 (178), 1-34

On Degenerate Doubly Nonnegative Projection Problems

Cui, Ying & Liang, Ling & Sun, Defeng & Toh, Kim-Chuan. (2021). On Degenerate Doubly Nonnegative Projection Problems. Mathematics of Operations Research. 47. 10.1287/moor.2021.1205.

Conic Optimization for Quadratic Regression Under Sparse Noise

Molybog, Ramtin Madani, and Javad Lavaei. Conic Optimization for Quadratic Regression Under Sparse Noise. Journal of Machine Learning Research.

When Demands Evolve Larger and Noisier: Learning and Earning in a Growing Environment

Feng Zhu, Zeyu Zheng. When Demands Evolve Larger and Noisier: Learning and Earning in a Growing Environment. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2020.