Rob Leachman To Speak At Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference
IEOR Professor Rob Leachman will make an invited presentation titled “Economics of Far East – USA Import Supply Chains” at the 17th annual Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference in Long Beach, CA, on February 28, 2017. Rob also will participate in the panel discussion…
2017 Jengyee Prize Announced – Win a $2000 Scholarship!
Attention undergraduates! The 2017 Jengyee Prize – Leadership for a Better World — is now accepting applications. The $2,000 prize is awarded annually and is open to all undergraduate students with a sophomore or higher standing, regardless of gender, race, creed, or…
Summer Opportunities for Students 2017
Spring semester beginnings bring new summer opportunities for all students, undergraduate and graduate, in various fields. Listed below are Summer opportunities such as research fellowships, internships, scholarships and more. STEM Opportunities Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) – LSApplication due by: February…
IEOR Researchers Lead Efforts To Address Environmental Challenges In Energy, Pollution And Global Warming
February 9, 2017 IEOR professors Max Shen, Shmuel Oren, Xin Guo, Ilan Adler, and Javad Lavaei are working on some of the most pressing problems of our time as lead researchers for the Environmental Science and New Energy Technology Research Center at…
Operations Research Analyst ranks as one of the best jobs in the U.S.
U.S. News & World Report announced the best jobs in 2017 in various categories. The news ranking look at 15 different categories, ranging from best jobs to specific sectors like business and healthcare. The rankings are calculated based on the…
Dorit Hochbaum’s neuron segmentation algorithm leads Neurofinder benchmark
The image above shows an example of a neuronal movie created with calcium imaging. Hochbaum’s algorithm seeks to detect the neurons in the movie and track their behavior over time IEOR Professor Dorit Hochbaum’s neuron segmentation algorithm HNCcorr is currently the leading…
Javad Lavaei Awarded SIAG/Control And Systems Theory Prize
The SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems Theory (SIAG/CST) awards the SIAG/CST Prize every two years to an early career researcher for outstanding research contributions, as determined by the prize committee, to mathematical control or systems theory. This year’s…
Ken Goldberg investigates robot-assisted precision irrigation to help address global water demand
While the drought seems to flow away with recent California rains, the demand for water in agriculture remains a problem. However, California is not the only place with this issue: all over the world, agriculture consumes at least 70% of the world’s…
Ikhlaq Sidhu to lead $2.2 million initiative to strengthen entrepreneurship and innovation at UC Berkeley
Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology Chief Scientist and IEOR professor Ikhlaq Sidhu has just been awarded a $2.2 million grant on behalf of the leading centers and programs that accelerate the innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of California, Berkeley. …