Max Z. Shen awarded as a 2018 INFORMS Fellow

IEOR Professor Max Shen has been named a 2018 INFORMS Fellow. INFORMS Fellows Awards are announced once per year, and are reserved for researchers that exemplify outstanding lifetime achievement in operations research and management sciences or have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments or significant contributions to the advancement of operations research and/or management sciences over time. Prof. Shen was given the award for his research contributions in supply chain management, specifically for inventory management and facility location, and for his education of exceptional graduate students.
Professor Shen joins eleven other researchers including Andrew P. Armacost from the U.S. Air Force Academy, Vicki M. Bier from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Robert M. Freund from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Garud N. Iyengar from Columbia University, R. John Milne from Clarkson University, Jonathan H. Owen from GM Global R&D, Kavita Ramanan from Brown University, Ramesh Sharda from Oklahoma State University, Martin Shubik from Yale University, Jayashankar M. Swaminathan from University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and Luk N. Van Wassenhove from INSEAD.
Visit INFORMS to learn more about the class of 2018.