Announcing The Fall 2018 Grassi & MOR Fellows
The Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (IEOR) has just announced the Grassi and Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger (MOR) fellows for spring 2018.
Grassi Fellow

Matt Olfat has been named the Grassi fellow. Matt is currently a doctoral candidate in the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) department at UC Berkeley working with Prof. Anil Aswani on fairness in the context of machine learning. He received his B.S. in Systems Engineering and Mathematics from the University of Virgina in 2014, and his M.S. in IEOR from UC Berkeley in 2016.
Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger Fellow

Sheng Liu has been named the Marshal-Oliver-Rosenberger Fellow. Sheng Liu is a PhD candidate working with Professor Zuo-Jun Shen and Professor Dorit Hochbaum. He is primarily interested in practice-driven and data-driven problems in logistics and manufacturing. He has developed models and algorithms to improve on-time performance in last-mile delivery and yield prediction accuracy in semiconductor manufacturing. He is also interested in sustainable operations in emerging markets.
Both fellows will have their tuition and fees covered for the spring 2018 semester and will receive an additional stipend to help them stay focused on research.
The Grassi Fellowship is named for Raymond C. Grassi (1918-2007), one of the founding professors for the Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research at UC Berkeley.
The Marshall-Oliver-Rosenberger fellowship is named for Kneale T. Marshall, Bob Oliver, and Larry Rosenberger. Kneale T. Marshall received his PhD in Operations Research from UC Berkeley in 1966, Bob Oliver is Professor Emeritus for the IEOR department, and Larry Rosenberger received an M.S. in Operations Research from UC Berkeley in 1974, and current serves as a research fellow for FICO and advisor for the IEOR department.