IEOR researchers investigate the latest mathematical tools, approaches, and methodologies to make new theoretical discoveries and innovations that touch nearly every industry, making them more efficient and profitable in areas such as supply chain, logistics, manufacturing, data science, energy systems, robotics, and management.
Selected Publications
Random Knockout Tournaments
Ilan Adler, Yang Cao, Richard Karp, Erol A. Peköz, Sheldon M. Ross (2016), Random Knockout Tournaments, INFORMS Operations Research Journal
Conic Relaxation of the Unit Commitment Problem
Fattahi, Salar & Ashraphijuo, Morteza & Lavaei, Javad & Atamturk, Alper. (2016). Conic Relaxation of the Unit Commitment Problem. Energy. 134. 10.1016/
Optimal placement in a limit order book: an analytical approach
X. Guo, A. de Larrard and Z. Ruan. Optimal placement in a limit order book, an analytical approach, Mathematics and Financial Economics, DOI: 10.1007/s11579-016- 0177-5, 2016.
Stochastic Comparison of Discounted Rewards
- R.Righter, “Stochastic Comparison of Discounted Rewards,” Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 48, pp. 293-294, 2011.
Firming renewable power with demand response: an end-to-end aggregator business model
Campaign Clay and Shmuel Oren, “Firming Renewable Power with Demand Response: An End to End Aggregator Business Model”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol 50, No. 1, (2016), pp. 1-37.
Sparse Computation for Large-Scale Data Mining
D.S. Hochbaum and P. Baumann. Sparse Computation for Large-Scale Data Mining. IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Vol 2, Issue 2, 151-174, 2016.