
IEOR researchers investigate the latest mathematical tools, approaches, and methodologies to make new theoretical discoveries and innovations that touch nearly every industry, making them more efficient and profitable in areas such as supply chain, logistics, manufacturing, data science, energy systems, robotics, and management.

Selected Publications

Demand-Side Energy Management under Time-Varying Prices

Liang, Yong & Deng, Tianhu & Shen, Max. (2018). Demand-Side Energy Management under Time-Varying Prices. IISE Transactions. 51. 1-39. 10.1080/24725854.2018.1504357.

Approximating Systems Fed by Poisson Processes with Rapidly Changing Arrival Rates

Zeyu Zheng, Harsha Honnappa, Peter W. Glynn. “Approximating Systems Fed by Poisson Processes with Rapidly Changing Arrival Rates“. Operations Research

Using telephone call rates and nurse-to-patient ratios as measures of resilient performance under high patient flow conditions

Miller, A., Aswani, A., Zhou, M. et al. Using telephone call rates and nurse-to-patient ratios as measures of resilient performance under high patient flow conditions. Cogn Tech Work 21225–236 (2019).

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A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Method for Optimal Orificing in Breed-and-Burn Cores

Chris Keckler, Alper Atamturk, Massimiliano Fratoni and Ehud Greenspan. A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Method for Optimal Orificing in Breed-and-Burn Cores. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 118, 887-890, 2018.

Strong Formulations for Quadratic Optimization with M-matrices and Indicator Variables

Alper Atamturk and Andres Gomez. Strong Formulations for Quadratic Optimization with M-matrices and Indicator Variables. Mathematical Programming 170, 141-176, 2018.

Sparse and Smooth Signal Estimation: Convexification of L0 Formulations

Alper Atamturk, Andres Gomez and Shaoning Han. “Sparse and Smooth Signal Estimation: Convexification of L0 Formulations”. Journal of Machine Learning Research.