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The candidate will be joining the research team at Bayview Asset Management, which develops and implements statistical models for the valuation of mortgage assets. These models include probability of default, prepayment and severity (loss given default) models, which are used to project mortgage cash flows. Initial responsibilities will include model implementation in C++ and VBA, data mining and manipulation, as well as statistical modeling and analysis.
1. Have very strong analytic and quantitative skills. Most qualified candidates would have a degree in a quantitative field.
2. A passion for analyzing data and implementing models. As the work involves modeling mortgages, the candidate should have an interest in the economics/finance/psychology associated with mortgage behavior.
3. Have some programming experience, and ideally some basic knowledge of C++
1. Working knowledge of statistics, especially survival analysis
2. Excel and Visual Basic experience
3. An understanding of finance and economics
4. Experience working with SAS or other statistical software
5. Working knowledge of SQL and databases