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The Junior Computer Vision Engineer Intern is responsible for implementing software systems to improve our computer vision applications. Some of the responsibilities include updating machine learning algorithms, working in the convolutional neural network (CNN), annotating unique 2D and 3D data, collaborating with software developers, documenting procedures, and ensuring projects are executed on time and within scope. Job Description.

Time commitment is a minimum of 20 to 40 hours per week. We are flexible and will work with you around your school and personal schedule. The internship will only be offered to highly motivated and qualified candidates who have a desire to learn, are passionate, are a culture fit into our company, and express interest in our technology.

Growth Experience: While at Sensagrate, you will gain and advance your skills in coding C++ and python, computer vision, deep learning, machine learning, internet of things (IoT), edge computing, and sensor technologies (e.g., LiDAR and camera).

Sensagrate is developing a smart city and smart infrastructure platform that provides real-time data to support intelligent decision-making for smart city use cases. The platform is a computer vision perception AI software and reporting called SensaVision developed from deep learning algorithms for cameras (2D) and LIDAR (3D) data. We use the 2D and 3D visual data to merge into a process called sensor fusion. The software detects, classifies, and tracks motorized and non-motorized objects in real-time and aggregates the data for analytics and reporting. We target a 95% object detection accuracy rating as our algorithms continue to learn. Smart city and infrastructure applications can improve some key quality-of-life indicators by 10% to 30%. Review our fact sheet.