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Employer: City & County of San Francisco

Expires: 08/30/2021

The San Francisco Department of the Environment is hiring a Climate Change Analyst to join our Climate Justice Team.Are you passionate about fighting climate change and want to make a difference at the local government level? Do you love to work with complex data sets, and have a knack for communicating complex information in simple, easily accessible language? Are you an effective collaborator who enjoys engaging diverse partners and stakeholders in support of project goals? If so, we invite you to take advantage of an opportunity to use your skills to build a better future for San Francisco and the planet. As the Climate Change Analyst, you should have an interest in climate data management and analysis, and climate work, organizations, and policy. You will be responsible for conducting data collection, management and analysis for the annual citywide greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, assisting with municipal and community climate policy and programming work, performing a range of research and project implementation duties, and facilitating and supporting stakeholder engagement. What You’ll Do• Work with large, complex climate-related data sets to perform advanced data analysis and projections for a range of climate-related projects. • Develop and deliver the annual Municipal and Community-wide Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory and submit associated data and other reporting to applicable third-party entities. See: • Use databases and data visualization applications to create infographics, Powerpoint slides, and other tools to communicate climate information to senior staff within the department, external city department colleagues, legislators and policymakers, and the general public. • Collaborate as part of a team to develop and implement strategies and actions laid out in the City’s Climate Action Plan, Racial Equity Plan, and other climate policies. • Collaborate and assist multidisciplinary teams within department as well as with other city agencies to develop and strengthen climate programs and policies across the key issue areas of buildings, energy, healthy ecosystems, housing, responsible production and consumption, and transportation. • Collaborate with regional and global networks to advance the practice of climate action planning, including but not limited to the areas of GHG emissions accounting methodologies and administering emission reduction policies and programs. • Interface with a range of internal and external IT platforms and data collection systems. • Assist with implementation, organizing meetings, and other project tasks. • Provide administrative support and perform other tasks as requested.For more information about the San Francisco Department of the Environment, please visit note, applications will only be accepted via the City and County of San Francisco Job Opportunity website.