Design the next IEOR t-shirt!
Do you have a design idea for the next great IEOR t-shirt? The IEOR department will be printing t-shirts to give to IEOR students and volunteers in spring 2020. With your help, we want to make a memorable, awesome design!

Rules & Guidelines
Participants: Up to 4 people can be on a team, and at least 1 of the 4 must be IEOR student, staff, faculty, or alumni.
Prize: Each member of the winning team (up to 4) will receive a $75 Amazon gift card and a complimentary IEOR t-shirt.
Creativity is encouraged! Please submit your designs in vector format (AI, EPS, or SVG) or in PNG with at least 300 DPI.
- Winning designs may need to be adjusted after submission to follow Berkeley brand guidelines and limitations the printer may have (but don’t let that stop you from letting your imagination run wild!).
- You can decide t-shirt color for your design (but this may end up slightly different as we have to use pre-determined colors created by the t-shirt manufacturers).
There are no content requirements for this contest, but in case you are looking for resources for IEOR or Berkeley, you will find a few resources below.
Download IEOR logos:
Fonts, graphic elements, and inspiration can also be found on Berkeley’s brand site, Digital images may be downloaded from the UC Berkeley gallery site.
How to Submit
Submit the names of your team members and your design files on the Google Form: The deadline to submit is January 15, 2020.
Winners will be announced on January 22. The winning design will be decided by a committee of IEOR Advisory board branding committee members, staff, students, and faculty.