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IEOR Impact

How does IEOR impact the world?

Below are stories that show how faculty, students, and alumni are applying their knowledge with industrial engineering and operations research.

anil aswani 2015 square

Aswani Investigates How Data Can Personalize Mobile Health

By Eugene Pang | August 10, 2016

With the proliferation of mobile devices and rising awareness that proper diet and exercise can prevent disease and lead to better overall health outcomes, mobile health (or mHealth) applications have become…

file transfer window

Sutardja Center Alums Create “Prynt”, A Polaroid Printing Smartphone Case

By Eugene Pang | December 18, 2015

Prynt, a San Francisco-based startup founded by two graduates of a Berkeley Engineering entrepreneurship program, is bringing instant print photography to smartphones. The grads designed a smartphone case equipped with…