Cyber Risk and Insurance France-Berkeley Conference

Photo of Campanile

Time: All Day (9:00 AM-5:00 PM)

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Location: Etcheverry 1174, 2521 Hearst Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709

Register for the conference here.

Conference Objectives/Summary:

Cyber risk is a major concern for public entities and private companies and constitutes a systemic threat to the resilience of the financial and economic world. 1% of the world’s GDP goes up every year because of cyber-crime. Chair of the Federal Reserve of the United States, Jerome Powell, has stated that Cyberattacks are now the biggest threat to the financial system.  Recent health and geopolitical crises amplify this threat: the Covid-19 pandemic has had a windfall effect on cybercriminals, multiplying attacks such as ransomware, and the war in Ukraine has illustrated the power of cyber-attacks as weapons of war. The emergent and evolving nature of risk, its potential systemic component and its behavioral aspects challenge the resilience of economy and society and require in-depth mathematical modeling and actuarial analysis to better anticipate and mitigate this risk.

The Cyber Risk and Insurance France Berkeley Conference will bring together experts across different fields (actuaries, cyber risk experts, applied mathematicians) from France and Berkeley to present advances on the modeling of cyber risk and its consequences in economics. The France-Berkeley conference aims to advance modeling and better anticipate and mitigate cyber risk.

This conference is sponsored by the France-Berkeley Fund and the project “Mathematical modeling for cyber-risk insurance” led by Caroline Hillairet (ENSAE Paris) and Thibaut Mastrolia (UC Berkeley).

Organizing Committee:

Caroline Hillairet

Thibaut Mastrolia

Wissal Sabbagh


Anil Aswani (UC Berkeley)

Yousra Cherkaoui (ENSAE Paris)

Sukanya Kudva (UC Berkeley)

Olivier Lopez (ENSAE Paris)

Anis Matoussi (Le Mans Université)

Anthony Reveillac (INSA Toulouse)

Wissal Sabbagh (Le Mans Universite)

Unal Tatar (University of Albany)

The cyber risk and insurance session will be followed by a satellite conference on Thursday, June 13, Etcheverry 1174 with talks by graduate students.

Antoine Heranval (ENSAE CREST)
Alberto Gennaro (IEOR UC Berkeley)
Xinyu Li (IEOR UC Berkeley)
Beatrice Ongarato (Universita di Padova)
Thomas Peyrat (ENSAE CREST and Exiom partners)
Tingyu Zhu (IEOR UC Berkeley)
Benjamin Massat (Institut Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Check back for the latest updates on the Cyber Risk and Insurance France-Berkeley Conference!