Berkeley IEOR Professor Receives Prestigious INFORMS President’s Award

Berkeley IEOR Professor Candace Yano is the recipient of the 2022 INFORMS President’s Award. The honor was presented by current INFORMS president Radhika Kulkarni, who served as chair of the selection committee, which included two previous INFORMS presidents.
The prestigious award is presented each year during the INFORMS national meeting to a person who has made outstanding contributions that benefit the welfare of society at the local, national, or global level. This year, The INFORMS President’s Award was presented to Professor Yano in recognition of her many research contributions, her impact on educating future O.R. professionals, and for her extensive INFORMS service.
Dr. Yano is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research and the Operations and Information Technology Management group in the Haas School of Business at University of California, Berkeley. She holds the Kalbach Chair in Business Administration and the Morris Chang Distinguished Chair in the Management of Technology Innovation. Prior to joining UC Berkeley, she worked at Bell Labs and University of Michigan. She received multiple degrees, including her Ph.D., from Stanford University.
Dr. Yano’s research focuses on supply chain management and interdisciplinary problems involving operations management and marketing. She also gives back to the community via her work with nonprofit organizations. Example projects include allocation of scarce resources in hospital systems and helping consortia of research libraries determine how many copies of books to retain in view of risks of loss and decay. She often includes students in this pro-bono work, thereby instilling in them an interest in O.R.
As the first female department chair in the College of Engineering and first Asian-American female associate dean for academic affairs at Haas, Dr. Yano is a role model for women, especially those straddling different cultures. She co-founded the INFORMS Forum for Women in OR/MS (WORMS) and is a recipient of the WORMS Award. Dr. Yano spearheaded the establishment of the INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society and was recognized with the MSOM Distinguished Service Award for her efforts in MSOM’s formative years, including co-organizing the first conference of an ORSA special interest group that became a part of MSOM. Dr. Yano is a fellow of INFORMS and of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. She was awarded the George E. Kimball Medal in recognition of her distinguished service to INFORMS and the profession of operations research and the management sciences.
Dr. Yano has served in many volunteer roles within INFORMS for more than three decades, including spearheading the Career Fair, serving as VP of Marketing and Outreach, and in leadership roles on conference organization committees. INFORMS is extremely grateful to Dr. Yano for her extensive and outstanding editorial work with multiple INFORMS journals. Her dedicated efforts in this area will have a lasting impact on future generations of O.R. professionals.