Announcing the 2023 Jengyee Prize – Win A $2000 Scholarship!

Attention all Berkeley undergraduates! The 2023 Jengyee Prize – Leadership for a Better World — is now accepting applications.
The $2,000 prize is awarded annually and is open to all undergraduate students with a sophomore or higher standing, regardless of gender, race, creed, or national origin.
The Jengyee Prize – Leadership for a Better World aims to recognize well-rounded undergraduate students at the University of California, Berkeley for their exceptional leadership in working to better the world. The prize honors the memory of Jengyee Liang, who received a B.S. in 2005 from the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) Department in the College of Engineering.
Applicants must provide:
- A description of their significant leadership experience,
- A transcript showing academic achievement (GPA 3.3 or better) and
- An original essay of no more than 750 words.
- Please include a copy of your resume with the application.
The essay must address the following topic: As individuals, we can make the world better in big ways that are often part of a larger, organized effort, or in smaller ways that are consequences of individual choices and actions over a lifetime. Please describe (a) what you, as an individual, have done to make the world a better place; (b) what you have learned from these experiences; and (c) how you see this trajectory extending into the future. Please address all three questions in the same essay. The activities need not be of a humanitarian nature. The committee would be interested in hearing about technical, social, and other types of activities and advancements through which you have made the world a better place.
To receive full consideration of your application, please submit by:
DEADLINE: Friday, April 14, 2023 at 4 pm
Email application to as a single pdf to:
Prof. Candace Yano
Please be aware that prizes are considered financial aid and winning a prize may change your current financial aid package. This prize is in honor of the memory of Jengyee Liang, who received her B.S. in 2005 from the Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department in the College of Engineering.