Message from the Chair
Located in San Francisco Bay Area, California’s hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, UC Berkeley’s IEOR Department is uniquely positioned to advance the technologies transforming and fueling the economy and prepare its students for exciting career opportunities. As collecting and processing large amounts of data become easier, the demand for data-driven, automated decision-making is rapidly rising across industries ranging from e-commerce to healthcare, from transportation to energy. Businesses and governments seek to harness data as a way to respond faster to changes in demand and supply, to better manage cost and risk, and to improve the efficiency of their operations through data-driven analytics. With their expertise in optimization, stochastics, and data analytics, IEOR faculty and students craft innovative solutions for business and industry systems, including healthcare, supply chains, energy, finance, and risk management.
Consistent with the industry demand for professionals skilled in data-driven analytics, the IEOR programs have been receiving strong interest from students. In the last five years, enrollments in our graduate and undergraduate programs have more than doubled. We expect this strong growth trend to continue in the foreseeable future. In order to better position the department to meet the rising demand in our programs, we welcomed seven new faculty members (Professors Cui, Jia, Kerger, Mastrolia, Pirutinsky, Udwani, and Yan) into our ranks and are in the process of hiring a new faculty member this year. Furthermore, we welcomed the third class of 136 students to our Master of Analytics degree program this Fall. Furthermore, we welcomed the second class of 87 students to our Master of Analytics degree program this Fall.
As the preeminent public higher education institution in a diverse state, we have an important responsibility to ensure access, diversity, equity, and inclusion in our programs. Our vision is to grow our programs while ensuring that we provide opportunities to students from all sections of society and train highly skilled professionals to contribute to a diverse workforce. The IEOR department is committed to recruit students from California’s community colleges and support the College of Engineering’s Pathways to College Program.
Thank you for visiting the IEOR department website, and Go Bears!
Alper Atamturk
Professor and IEOR Department Chair