Wenhong Cui reflects on her internship at KONE

The following blog post contains personal opinions and viewpoints expressed by the author. The author's views are their own and do not represent the official stance of  Berkeley IEOR.

Wenhong Cui

Job Title: Data Scientist Intern
Company: KONE

Through working on several projects relating to dynamic pricing model construction, cost analysis, and prediction, I gained not only first-hand information and knowledge of the industry but also cutting-edge strategies for solving business needs. I have had the precious opportunity to communicate with colleagues from different teams with different backgrounds, which helped me to know deeply about both the work we’ve been doing and the industry in a broader view from different perspectives.

I was also given the valuable opportunity to attend the Data+AI summit, during which top experts and researchers across the data and AI community shared their latest open-source technologies and findings. These experiences have sharpened my view toward the role of a data scientist and firmed my goal of using data-driven methods to empower the industry.