Scenario Grouping and Decomposition Algorithms for Chance-Constrained Programs

Publication Date: August 17, 2024

Yan Deng, Huiwen Jia, Shabbir Ahmed, Jon Lee, Siqian Shen, “Scenario Grouping and Decomposition Algorithms for Chance-constrained Programs”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 3(2), 757-773, 2020

A lower bound for a finite-scenario-based chance-constrained program is the quantile value corresponding to the sorted optimal objective values of scenario subproblems. This quantile bound can be improved by grouping subsets of scenarios at the expense of solving larger subproblems. The quality of the bound depends on how the scenarios are grouped. In this paper, we formulate a mixed-integer bilevel program that optimally groups scenarios to tighten the quantile bounds. For general chance-constrained programs, we propose a branch-and-cut algorithm to optimize the bilevel program, and for chance-constrained linear programs, a mixed-integer linear-programming reformulation is derived. We also propose several heuristics for grouping similar or dissimilar scenarios. Our computational results demonstrate that optimal grouping bounds are much tighter than heuristic bounds, resulting in smaller root-node gaps and better performance of scenario decomposition for solving chance-constrained 0-1 programs. Also, the optimal grouping bounds can be greatly strengthened using larger group size.