Philip M. Kaminsky
Earl J. Isaac Chair in the Science and Analysis of Decision Making
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Phil Kaminsky
Phil Kaminsky received his BS in Chemical Engineering from Columbia University in 1989, and his MS and PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management Science from Northwestern University in 1997. Before graduate school, he worked in production engineering and control at Merck in Rahway, New Jersey. Professor Kaminsky is the faculty director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, and director of the Initiative for Research in Biopharmaceutical Operations. He served as department chair of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research in from 2011-2016, and currently serves as Executive Associate Dean nd Development in the College of Engineering.
His primary research interests are broadly focused on the analysis and development of robust and efficient tools and techniques for design, operation, and risk management in logistics systems and supply chains. This encompasses operational issues including the modeling and analysis of production and control systems, as well as more tactical and strategic concerns, including the integration of production, distribution, and pricing strategies, and more broadly the analysis of issues that arise in integrated supply chain management. From a methodological perspective, he is particularly interested in the design and analysis of algorithms to address these problems. He also works on issues related to the healthcare system.
Much of his current work is centered on two main themes: strategic, tactical, and operational issues that arise in the operation of biopharmaceutical firms; and collaborative, sustainable logistics. In addition, other current projects focus on the development of novel flexible algorithms for supply chain optimization, container terminal operations, efficient operation of operating rooms, and quantitative modeling of behavior change for personalized healthcare. His research is or has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Project Production Institute, BioMarin, Bayer, Genentech, Navis, and FICO.
- Analysis of integrated supply chain management models
- Logistics Collaboration
- Healthcare operations
- Production scheduling
- Modeling and analysis of production control and logistics
- Systems, design and analysis of algorithms
- Integration of production and distribution strategies
Y. MINTZ, A. ASWANI, P. KAMINSKY, E. FLOWERS, AND Y. FUKUOKA. 2017. Behavioral Analytics for Myopic Agents. Submitted for publication.
P. KAMINSKY AND S. LIU. 2017. A Two-Step Gradient Estimation Approach to for Setting Supply Chain Operating Parameters. Submitted for publication.
S. DING AND P. KAMINSKY. 2016. Centralized and Decentralized Warehouse Logistics Collaboration. Submitted for publication.
A. ASWANI, P. KAMINSKY, Y. MINTZ, E. FLOWERS, AND Y. FUKUOKA. 2016. Predictive Modeling of Behavior in Weight Loss Interventions. Submitted for publication.
ADLER, I., D. BU, AND P. KAMINSKY. 2016. Production Lot Sizing with Immediately Observable Random Production Rate. Submitted for publication.
SEN, A., A. ATAMTURK AND P. KAMINSKY. 2016. A Conic Integer Programming Approach to Constrained Assortment Optimization under the Mixed Multinomial Logit Model. Submitted for publication.
H-S. AHN, S. JASIN, P. KAMINSKY, AND Y. WANG. 2016. Certainty Equivalent Planning for Multi-Product Batch Differentiation: Analysis and Bounds. To appear in Operations Research.
GUMUS, M, P KAMINSKY, AND S. MATHUR. 2016. Impact of Product Substitution and Retail Capacity on Price Promotions: Theory and Evidence. International Journal of Production Economics 54(7), pp.2108-2135.
H.C. HWANG, H-S. AHN, AND P. KAMINSKY. 2016. Algorithms for the Two-Stage Production-Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem. Journal of Global Optimization 65(4), 777-799.
KAMINSKY, P., AND Y. WANG. 2015. Analytical Models for Biopharmaceutical Operations and Supply Chain Management: A Survey of Research Literature. Pharmaceutical Bioprocessing 3 (1), pp. 61-73
KAMINSKY, P. AND M. YUEN. 2014. Production Capacity Investment with Data Updates. IIE Transactions 46, pp. 664-682.
HWANG, HC, H. AHN AND P. KAMINSKY. 2013. Basis Paths and a Polynomial Algorithm for the Multi-Stage Production-Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problem. Operations Research 61, pp. 469-482.
JANJEVIC, M., P. KAMINSKY, AND A. BALLE NDIAYE. 2013. Downscaling the consolidation of goods-state of the art and transferability of micro-consolidation initiatives. European Transport 54(4), pp. 1-23.
BULBUL, K. AND P. KAMINSKY. 2012. A Linear Programming-Based Method for Job Shop Scheduling Journal of Scheduling 16 pp. 161-183.
GUO, X, P. KAMINSKY, P. TOMECEK, AND M. YUEN. 2011. Optimal Spot Market Inventory Strategies in the Presence of Cost and Price Risk. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research.
KAMINSKY, P. AND O. KAYA. 2009. Combined Make-to-Order/Make-to-Stock Supply Chains. IIE Transactions 41 pp. 103-119.
AHN, H., M. GUMUS AND P. KAMINSKY. 2009. Inventory, Discounts, and the Timing Effect. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 11, pp. 613-629.
TOMMELEIN, I.D., BALLARD, G., and KAMINSKY, P. 2008. Supply Chain Management for Lean Project Delivery in Handbook of Construction Supply Chain Management, Ch. 6, pp. 6-1 to 6-22.
KAMINSKY, P. AND O. KAYA. 2008. Scheduling and Due-Date Quotation in a MTO Supply Chain. Naval Research Logistics 55, pp. 444-458.
KAMINSKY, P. AND Z-H. LEE. 2008. Effective On-Line Algorithms for Reliable Due Date Quotation and Large-Scale Scheduling. Journal of Scheduling 11, pp. 187-204.
KAMINSKY, P. AND O. KAYA. 2008. Inventory Positioning, Scheduling, and Lead Time Quotation in Supply Chains. International Journal of Production Economics 114, pp. 276-293.
AHN, H., M. GUMUS AND P. KAMINSKY. 2007. Pricing and Manufacturing Decisions When Demand is a Function of Prices in Multiple Periods. Operations Research 55, pp. 1039-1057.
BULBUL, K, P. KAMINSKY, AND C. YANO. 2007. Preemption in Single Machine Earliness/Tardiness. Journal of Scheduling 10, pp. 271-292.
AHN, H. AND P. KAMINSKY. 2005. Production and Distribution Policy in a Two-Stage Stochastic Push-Pull Supply Chain. IIE Transactions 37, pp. 609-621.
NEWMAN, A, C. YANO, AND P. KAMINSKY. 2005. Third Party Logistics Planning with Routing and Inventory Costs. In Supply Chain Optimization, J. Geunes and P. Pardalos, eds: Kluwer Academic Publishers
KAMINSKY, P. AND D. HOCHBAUM. 2004. Due Date Quotation Models and Algorithms. Handbook of Scheduling, Joseph Y. Leung (ed.), Chapman Hall/CRC.
KAMINSKY, P. AND J. SWAMINATHAN. 2004. Effective Heuristics For Capacitated Production Planning with Multi-Period Production and Demand With Forecast Band Refinement. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 6, p. 184-194.
BULBUL, K, P. KAMINSKY, AND C. YANO. 2004. Flow shop scheduling with earliness, tardiness, and intermediate inventory holding costs. Naval Research Logistics 51, pp. 407-445.
SIMCHI-LEVI, D., P. KAMINSKY, AND E. SIMCHI-LEVI. 2004. Managing the Supply Chain: The Definitive Guide for The Business Professional. McGraw-Hill: New York.
KAMINSKY, P. 2003. The Effectiveness of the Longest Delivery Time Rule for the Flow Shop Delivery Time Problem. Naval Research Logistics 50, pp. 257-272.
KAMINSKY, P. AND D. SIMCHI-LEVI. 2003. Production and Distribution Lot Sizing in a Two Stage Supply Chain. IIE Transactions 35(11), pp.1065-1074.
KAMINSKY, P. AND J. SWAMINATHAN. 2001. Utilizing Forecast Band Refinement For Capacitated Production Planning. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 3, p. 68-81.
KAMINSKY P. AND D. SIMCHI-LEVI. 2001. Asymptotic Analysis of an On-line Algorithm for the Single Machine Completion Time Problem With Release Dates. Operations Research Letters. 29, p. 141-148
KAMINSKY P. AND D. SIMCHI-LEVI. 2001. The Asymptotic Optimality of the SPT Rule for the Flow Shop Mean Completion Time Problem. Operations Research 49, p. 293-304
SIMCHI-LEVI, D., P. KAMINSKY, AND E. SIMCHI-LEVI. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain. Irwin McGraw-Hill: New York.
First Edition (2000)
Second Edition (2003)
Third Edition (2008)
KAMINSKY, P. AND D. SIMCHI-LEVI. 1998. A New Computerized Beer Game: A Tool For Teaching the Value of Integrated Supply Chain Management. In Supply Chain and Technology Management. Hau Lee and Shu Ming Ng, eds., The Production and Operations Management Society: Miami, Florida.
KAMINSKY, P. AND D. SIMCHI-LEVI. 1998. Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for the Flow Shop Weighted Completion Time Problem. Operations Research 46, p. 872-882
H-C HWANG, H-S AHN AND P KAMINSKY. 2012. A Single Phase Dynamic Program with Independent Production Decision for Production-Capacitated Two- and Multi-Stage Lot-Sizing Problems. Proceedings of the 3nd International Workshop on Lot Sizing, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
P. KAMINSKY AND M. YUEN. 2011. Production Capacity Investment With Trial Result Updates. Proceedings of the 2011 MSOM Conference.
H-C HWANG, H-S AHN AND P KAMINSKY. 2011. A polynomial time algorithm for the multi-stage lot-sizing problem with production capacities. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Lot Sizing, Istanbul, Turkey.
PAPAVASILIOU, A, S. S. OREN, I. SIDHU AND P. KAMINSKY. 2009. Renewable Energy Supply for Electric Vehicle Operations in California. Proceedings of the 32nd IAEE International Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 2009.
GUMUS, M., P. KAMINSKY, E. TIEMROTH AND M. AYIK. 2008. A Multi-stage Decomposition Heuristic for the Container Stowage Problem. Proceedings of the 2008 MSOM Conference.
HAMZEH, F., TOMMELEIN, I.D., BALLARD, G., and KAMINSKY, P. 2007. Logistics Centers to Support Project-based Production in the Construction Industry. In Pasquire, C.L. and Tzortzopoulos, P. (editors)(2007). Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC 15), 18-20 July 2007, East Lansing, MI.
AHN, H-S, O. ALPER AND P. KAMINSKY. 2006. Effective Distribution Policies Utilizing Logistics Contracting. Proceedings of the 2006 MSOM Conference.
KAMINSKY, P. AND H-S AHN. 2006. Models and Algorithms for Integrated Multi-Stage Production/Distribution Systems: Third Party Logistics. Proceedings of the 2006 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Research Conference.
KAMINSKY, P. AND O. Kaya. 2006. MTO-MTS Production Systems in Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 2006 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Research Conference.
KAMINSKY, P. AND O. KAYA. 2005. Career: Scheduling of Large Scale Systems: Probabilistic Analysis and Practical Algorithms for Due Date Quotation. Proceedings of the 2005 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Research Conference.
KAMINSKY, P., H-S AHN, AND O. ALPER. 2005. Models and Algorithms for Integrated Multi-Stage Production/Distribution Problems. Proceedings of the 2005 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Research Conference.
KAMINSKY, P. AND O. KAYA. 2005. Centralized Versus Decentralized Scheduling and Due Date Quotation in a Make-to-Order Supply Chain. Proceedings of the 2005 MSOM Conference.
KAMINSKY, P. AND Z-H. LEE. 2003. On-Line Algorithms for Due Date Quotation with Lateness Penalties. Proceedings of the 2003 NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Research Conference.
CHAN, A., P.KAMINSKY, A.MURIEL, AND D.SIMCHI-LEVI. 1996. New Results for Flowshop and Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems. Proceedings of the 1996 MSOM Conference, Hanover, New Hampshire, pp.213-218.
KAMINSKY, P., J. LIU, AND J. OLSEN-CLAIRE 2012. Survey: Optimizing Global Biopharmaceutical Operations through Risk Mitigation and Management. BioPharm International, December 2012.
JOHNSON, R, AND P. KAMINSKY. 2008. Biopharmaceutical Operations: Developing the Science.PharmaFocus Asia # 9.