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Employer: BTS
Expires: 08/31/2021
What You’ll Do at BTSThe greatest ideas in the world will die on the vine if not properly implemented. At BTS, we turn our clients’ ideas and strategies into results. We do this by designing customized learning experiences that drive innovation, alignment, and performance.As a BTS consultant, you’ll work directly with leaders from some of the world’s leading corporations. Global 100 and 500 largest companies. You’ll learn how their business works and what their strategies are, and you’ll be shaping the leadership capabilities of their senior management. A BTS consultant also cultivates the skills of thousands of developing leaders across the globe. We work in small teams to develop customized business simulations and other learning solutions. Think board games with financial models, or app-based digital learning. And then we facilitate learning journeys directly with our clients in a workshop setting that incorporates humor, fun, and competition. In the world we are currently in, these workshops are virtual. There are no industry verticals at BTS, and you will have all the variety you want in your clients and work. You’ll be staffed on multiple projects at one time, across different industries, and with different internal teams. As a Strategy Execution Consultant, you will work across several or our areas of company’s expertise: Strategic Alignment, Business Acumen, Sales & Marketing, and Leadership Development. Eventually you might decide to focus on one of these areas, a few years down the road. When you’re not facilitating a program with your teammates, you’ll spend your time designing these amazing experiences we provide for our clients. Interviewing clients, conducting research and analysis, testing programs, laughing. You’ll laugh a lot and have a lot of fun. And this is all done in a team-based setting where our entrepreneurial culture of freedom and responsibility empowers you to contribute from your first day. As your skills and career grow, you’ll have the ability to manage client relationships, find new clients and opportunities, and grow the careers of others BTSers.As we mentioned above, right now we are doing our work virtually. Eventually, and hopefully soon!, we will return to working in our offices, as well as facilitating in person programs with our clients. For us, that’s when we travel – when we are in front of our clients leading them through the simulations and workshops we’ve created. And when we get back to “normal,” you can expect that you’ll travel around 40-50% of the time, going to different cities to facilitate the incredible experiences you’ve designed.What We’re Looking ForCuriosity. Creativity. Good listening skills. Executive presence. These are core attributes of BTS all-stars. We are also looking for entrepreneurial drive and scrappiness. Intellectual horsepower with business acumen. A desire to present to a room that might have 200+ smart, eager people in it. We have consultants from all kinds of backgrounds, work experience, and education. We love diversity and variety.We do have a few requirements. A Bachelor’s degree. Strong communication skills. And eligibility to work in the US permanently without sponsorship.About BTSBTS is a global professional services firm headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with some 850 professionals in 36 offices located on six continents. For over 30 years, we’ve been partnering with our clients to enable strategy execution. At BTS, we believe that success comes from people understanding how their daily work impacts business results, so we provide the skills, tools, and knowledge your people need to take the right action at the right moment. We are experts in behavior change and care deeply about both delivering results for our clients and ensuring that their people do the best work of their lives. Our engagements range from embedded multi-year transformation projects to brief, targeted capability development. It’s strategy made personal.