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Employer: SRI International

Expires: 07/31/2021

SRI International is a 75-year pioneering research institute with a rich history supporting government and industry. SRI is organized around broad disciplines and capabilities, from research and development divisions and labs to groups who excel at identifying new opportunities, developing products and creating custom solutions. Our organization is driven by impact— delivering unique solutions for the world’s important challenges and transforming ideas into reality for clients are partners.SRI’s Education Division reduces barriers and optimizes outcomes for students of all ages and backgrounds. We work with partners to improve teaching, education policies and student learning. We are looking for a research intern focused on psychometrics and statistical modeling. The intern will work with the Researchers at SRI and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) on an Institute of Education Sciences (IES) funded project, which uses statistical and machine learning techniques to understand the differences in test-taking processes for learners with and without disabilities. An individual accepted into this position will spend at least 80% of their time conducting statistical analysis in the secure data room for this project in SRI’s Menlo Park office. As part of the research team, the intern will have the opportunity to receive psychometrics and machine learning training from SRI and UIUC and co-author papers with the PIs.Qualifications:Current Masters or Ph.D. student, majoring in a relevant field.Fluent in R programming, including writing statistical functions, data manipulation and visualization, and regular expressions (e.g., handling string/text/log data).Knowledge in statistics and data science including hypothesis testing, linear and generalized linear models, and the basics of supervised/unsupervised learning.Experience with machine learning, natural language processing, and text mining is a plus.This position is full-time for the first 2 months (preferably July 1-Sept 1), then would be part time up to 10 hours after September 1.