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For full details and to apply, please visit and search for “DIA VIRTUAL HIRING EVENT – UNITED STATES STRATEGIC COMMAND (USSTRATCOM) ANALYSIS CAREER FIELD – 120517”


DIA is recruiting for full-performance all-source analysts at the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC). These positions are located at Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska. USSTRATCOM JIOC is focused on analysis and assessments of current and future strategic threats to the U.S. and allies, to include conventional and nuclear ballistic and long-range cruise missiles, missile defense, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) programs, and threats to U.S. strategic forces and nuclear command and control (NC3) capabilities (including space/counterspace and cyber threats). USSTRATCOM JIOC’s analysis is vital to provide timely, predictive, and relevant all-source analysis in coordination with other intelligence agencies, components, and coalition partners to ensure USSTRATCOM can successfully conduct 24×7 deterrence operations and is prepared to deliver a decisive response to guarantee the security of our Nation and our allies.

Specifically, DIA is seeking candidates with expertise in the following mission areas:

• Defense-related topics such as: military capabilities, deterrence strategy, tactics, techniques, and procedures; command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR); denial and deception; nuclear weapons systems, proliferation, and industries; and emerging and disruptive technologies to include cyber and space threats.

• Structured methodological approaches to find, fix, and track adversary missile systems.

• Analysis of adversary leadership messaging, decision-making, and intentions.

• Knowledge or experience in any aspect of U.S. Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications (NC3) operations, maintenance, sustainment, planning, architecture, systems engineering and integration, as well as application of general military intelligence tradecraft to assess threats to U.S. NC3 architecture.

These positions are located within DIA’s Directorate of Analysis and within the Analysis Career Field (ACF). Officers in the ACF serve at the heart of DIA’s global mission, providing cutting-edge analysis from locations around the world on foreign military capabilities and defense issues in support of our nation’s warfighters, policymakers, and defense planners. Through written products, in-person briefings, or multimedia presentations, their work informs tactical decisions of policy, defense strategy, weapons development and acquisition, and military planning. Analysis officers come from diverse backgrounds and can look forward to careers of rewarding training, advanced education opportunities, and challenging assignments with DIA and the Intelligence Community.

The below qualities are critical for success as an analyst at DIA:

• Professional Humility: The willingness to change assumptions and conclusions in the face of new evidence, to respect and account for differing perspectives and ideas, and to welcome candid


• Steadfast Integrity: The commitment to professionalism and honesty, accuracy and transparency, and excellence and mission.

• Intellectual Curiosity: The drive to seek out new experiences, knowledge, insights, and expertise.

• Critical Consideration: The determination to consult, weigh, and synthesize all available information and sources in developing insights, judgments, and assessments and identifying information gaps.

• Constructive Collaboration: The ability to contribute to a dynamic team environment and work through disagreements to reach new insights.

• Clear Communication: The ability to articulate complicated concepts and ideas both concisely and comprehensively.

As part of the ACF, the majority of analytic positions at USSTRATCOM are assigned to the Military Capabilities (MILCAP) and Strategic & Regional Career Specialties. 

MILCAP analysis officers provide all-source analysis of foreign capabilities to fully coordinate and integrate military operations with elements of every military service component, e.g. air, ground, sea, space and cyberspace. These duties include analysis, evaluation, and/or assessment of:

• Joint Force doctrine, plans, policy, force structure, and the training and resources of military services to perform current and future joint missions.

• Goals of uniformed and civilian service-level leaders, their motivations, intentions, and capabilities/vulnerabilities, as well as their level of influence on national-level defense policies, plans, and decision-making.

• National civil-military authority and decision-making structures; national and military intelligence organizations; procedures and facilities used by state or non-state entity command authorities; and high command, general staff, or joint command’s ability to command and control the armed forces.

• Current and future foreign services’ capabilities in leadership, strategy, doctrine, intent, operational art, TTPs, and order of battle.

• General purpose forces or mobile strategic force distribution within an area; assess the location of fixed/mobile headquarters, platforms, and forces, and their capability and readiness to perform their functions.

• Foreign strategic, operational, and tactical-level military denial and deception organizations; doctrine, programs, plans, and TTPs related to military strategy; and national security goals, indications and warning, weapon systems and programs; as well as military capabilities, arms control agreements, international inspection regimes and risk of technology compromise through dual-use sales/foreign targeting.

• Characteristics and capabilities of potential insurgent elements and non-state actors’ ground military forces, and the extent of foreign support to antigovernment elements

Strategic & Regional analysis officers evaluate military strategy, security goals, objectives, and doctrine at the national and operational levels of the military command structure; they analyze a foreign nation’s defense plans, programs, and policies governing military force employment, deployment and readiness, and their rules of engagement. These duties include analysis, evaluation, and/or assessment of:

• Integrated national-level organizational and modernization plans and policies for future enhancement of national ballistic missiles, ground, naval, and air defense forces.

• The effect of arms limitations, force reduction agreements, or treaties on relevant military force balances, strategy and doctrine implications, and regional and strategic security.

• Foreign defense decision-makers, policy-shapers and other influential persons whose actions and decisions have national significance.

• High-level foreign leaders’ strategic plans, policies, motivations, and their associated impact on the national security decision making process, domestic and international policies, as well as national military structure.

• Factors, conditions, or other influences that contribute to, or undermine, national and regional stability, indigenous groups, tribes, sub-state governments, or other entities that may affect U.S. national security interests or require immediate U.S. action.

• Regional agreements, sanctions, embargoes, civil wars, and conflict.

• Strategic changes with defense implications, potential conflicts, military operations, or other potential crises.

• Social, cultural, and behavioral factors characterizing the relationships and activities of the population and individuals of interest in a specific region or operational environment.

For full details and to apply, please visit and search for “DIA VIRTUAL HIRING EVENT – UNITED STATES STRATEGIC COMMAND (USSTRATCOM) ANALYSIS CAREER FIELD – 120517”