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Big Give 2020

The Department of Industrial Engineering & Operations Research is participating in Big Give, Cal's annual online fundraising blitz!  Help support our students, staff, and faculty by donating to IEOR.

Only 24 hours to make an impact!


IEOR Big Give Totals

Goal: $15,000

Raised so far (updated each 30 minutes)


Current students & young alumni challenge

Goal: $2,500


Raised so far (updated each 30 minutes)


A generous, anonymous IEOR professor has volunteered to match up to $2,500 in donations from current students and alumni who have graduated in the past 10 years. Help support IEOR to get us the match!

8 reasons to support IEOR!
Help us continue our legacy and excellence

The IEOR department now has nearly 5,000 alumni that are making an impact all over the world in industry and academia. Help us grow our program to support more students and faculty.

1. Help us recruit more game-changing faculty

IEOR's newest professors

Assistant Professor Barna Saha

IEOR's newest professor, Barna Saha, is a recipient of the prestigious President’s Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE). Barna joined Berkeley IEOR in Fall 2019. With a PhD in computer science and experience as a research scientist at AT&T Shannon Labs, Barna’s research interests include probabilistic methods, algorithm design and analysis, and large scale data analytics. 

Assistant Professor Zeyu Zheng

Zeyu Zheng recently earned a Ph.D. in management science and engineering and a Ph.D. minor in statistics from Stanford University. Previously, he earned a masters degree in economics from Stanford, and a B.S. in mathematics from Peking University. His research interests include simulation, data analytics, stochastic modeling, statistical learning and inference, and financial technologies.

2. Support more women in IEOR

In honor of Berkeley's 150 Years of Women at Berkeley, 150w campaign, the IEOR department is profiling some of our prestigious women professors, alumni, and staff. The department is currently comprised of 41% female students.

3. Help us grow!

We are currently supporting the most IEOR students in history! We now have 420 students in 2020, including 60 Ph.D., 20 master of science, 140 master of engineering, and 200 undergraduate students.

Your support will help us recruit and educate more students in IEOR.

ieor students

4. Create more IEOR moments

Please donate today to help us continue the momentum!  With your help, we know we can help students, faculty, staff, and alumni have more "Berkeley moments" to share in the future.

5. Help us produce more alumni that make an impact

With your help, we can recruit, educate, and train more students in industrial engineering & operations research, and produce more alumni with skills to thrive and lead in the 21st century economy.


Renyuan Xu

Ph.D. 2019

Currently: No teaching fellowship at Oxford University.

Next: Tenure-track offer at the University of Souther California


Thibault Duchemin

M.Eng. 2014

Currently: CEO & Founder, Ava
(helping to make conversations between deaf/hard-of-hearing & hearing people a seamless experience)

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Tony Xu

B.S. 2007

Currently: CEO & Co-founder, DoorDash

6. Support more groundbreaking research

7. Support IEOR students

IEOR has a very active student group, the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE) that the department supports to build community among undergraduate students. The department has helped the group send students to conferences, organize social events, alumni panels, and even organize conferences themselves to bring Bay Area operations researchers together to work on cases.

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8. Help us foster more student-faculty connections

When students and faculty have the resources, space, and organization to connect, they both can benefit through more engaged learning, research collaborations, connections that can last a lifetime.

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