Tiffany Soebijantoro
Tiffany Soebijantoro
Class of 2016
Business Analyst at McKinsey & Co.
What did you do after graduating from Cal?
I worked at an adtech company in San Francisco before switching to management consulting.
What was the most important thing you learned while studying at Cal?
How to make the most of your time here. What you learn in school is not defined by your major. To figure out what it is you want out of Cal
What do you miss most about being a student at Cal?
The endless learning possibilities from having access to classes in almost any discipline and world class experts.
Do you have any advice for current IEOR students?
Explore your interests and take as many classes outside of your major as possible. No one cares about your GPA the moment you graduate. Go to office hours and talk to your professors, they're cool people (my biggest regret is not doing more of this). Last but not least, recruit early.